
Ahmed Khalifa
Based in Brooklyn, USA

Release date:
August, 2014

Apple App Store
Google Play Store


Regular Price:



RPSwipe is a twisted Rock, Paper, Scissors game. "Rock breaks Scissors, Scissors cut Paper and Paper covers Rock" are the main rules of the game. You swipe in any direction trying to make blue tiles beat red ones to increase your score. The game has three gameplay modes (Single, Vs Computer and Vs Human) that can be played with fixed amount of turns (40, 80, 160) or infinite.


  • Single: Play with blue team and get highest score
  • Vs Computer: Play with blue team aganist a Computer with red team in turn base style
  • Vs Human: Play with blue team aganist a friend with red team in turn base style


Trailer YouTube



Awards & Recognition

    RPSwipe has not received any awards or recognitions yet. Please check back later to see if things change.

    Selected Quotes

      • "...is a game featuring an admittedly wildly twisted version of rock, paper, scissors that is simply ingenious and incredibly addictive."
        - Gnome, IndieGames
      • "RPSwipe isn't quite Threes! (but then, what is?), but it's an different take on the tile-based swipe puzzler that should interest veterans of the genre. The multiplayer mode is a neat addition, too."
        - Chris Priestman, PocketGamer
      • "RPSwipe is really great. My favourite part is the lovely music. I hope you sell tons of copies."
        - McFunkypants, OneGameAMonth
      • "RPSwipe is great! Very fun to play and a nice spin on Threes formula."
        - Talha Kaya, Kayabros
      • "Where other tile sliding games emphasize board clearing, RPSwipe requires a delicate balance of adversarial elements..."
        - Stephen Altamirano, EvilRobotStuff
      • "RPSwipe is simple, relaxing game of rock, paper, scissor with relaxing music which gets you in the mood of the game."
        - Faisal Bakhurjj, Genius Force

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      About Ahmed Khalifa

      Ahmed Abdel Samea Khalifa is a PhD Candidate at NYU and Indie Game Designer/Developer living in Brooklyn.

      More information
      More information on Ahmed Khalifa, our logo & relevant media are available here.

      RPSwipe Credits

      Ahmed Abdel Samea Khalifa
      Game Designer, Game Developer

      Tom Snively
      Music, Sound Effects

      presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks